This album reminds me of James Taylor during his ‘Gorilla’ and ‘In the Pocket’ phase of the late 70’s.” - Rodney Crowell
Eric Erdman paints pictures and tells stories that put you in his grandma's kitchen eating biscuits and gravy at sunset, knowing you are biding your time to stir up trouble in the hot rod hiding in the back yard under a tarp later that night.” - Radney Foster

Eric Erdman’s accomplishments as a guitarist, producer, and songwriter speak volumes about his talent and drive in the music industry. In addition to tons of session work, Eric has played lead guitar for the likes of The Buddy Rich Band, Kristy Lee, and Nadirah Shakoor. He has produced dozens of albums; including five solo albums and another five for his former band, The Ugli Stick. Eric has also written or co-written hundreds of songs including the theme song for the Speed Channel’s “Drag Race High” and the musical “Box of Letters.”

It is on the stage, however, that Eric’s true genius is fully realized. The authenticity of his songwriting is matched by a playing style and voice equally as authentic. As captivating as Eric was as a twenty-something year old frontman for the rock/hip-hop band that helped launch his career, he is even more captivating as a singer/songwriter. Eric still possesses the ability to get a crowd to its feet, but now brings an element of wisdom and wittiness that is incredibly captivating. He seems to compel audiences to hang on his every word, instantly validating himself as the trusted troubadour music-loving crowds long for. 

When you see Eric perform, and hear his songs, it is obvious that he has loved and lost; that he has felt the highs and lows that life can bring. And yet, Eric finds a way to synthesize meaning, and even humor, from those experiences. More importantly, he’s made it his life goal to share those lessons with the world.

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Sample Track

Sample Video

For Booking information please contact:
Angie Gregory
Neon Grit
